Kingsbridge Kingfishers

Swimming Club

Membership & Fees


Club Membership Fees for 2024/2025

Annual membership will be payable in January (pro-rata monthly rates apply to swimmers joining part way through the year).
  • Swimmer - £12
  • Associated Adult for under-18 swimmers - £12


Monthly Swim Fees from September 2024

  • 1 session per week   = £28.00 per month
  • 2 sessions per week  = £37.00 per month
  • 3 sessions per week = £47.00 per month
  • 4 sessions per week = £56.00 per month
  • 5 sessions per week = £65.00 per month
Members must pay monthly fees by standing order. BACS payments are preferred for PAYG swims. Cash or cheque payments can only be accepted for PAYG swims.


Pay As You Go (PAYG)

Pay As You Go members will be charged at £7.00 a session. This option is only available to members who have moved away (e.g. students, boarding schools) or by agreement with the committee.

Additional or Alternative Swims

Additional or alternative swims which vary from those agreed with the Head Coach will be charged at £7.00 per session unless prior agreement has been made to ‘swap’ a session with a Coach.

Swim England Category Rate (includes Regional & County Fees) for 2024

These obligatory payments are payable in January and cover the club’s and the individual’s insurance.  They are charged at cost, paid directly to Swim England and do not financially benefit the club.
The rates quoted below are for 2024.
Members of the club must be registered with the Swim England under one category only.
  • Category 1 ‘Non’ Competitive: £15.65 (May compete at certain events only)
  • Category 2 Fully Competitive: £39.00
  • Category 3 Officials/ Helpers/Coaches: free of charge (the club covers these fees)
Please consult Karen if you are unsure which Category applies to your child.
PLEASE NOTE: If during the year a swimmer moves from CAT1 to CAT2, the difference in rates will be payable to the club