Friday 11 February, 2022, by Sarah-Louise Green
Hi All,
I hope you are all well and coping in these difficult times?
Firstly, I would like to congratulate every single swimmer that took part in the 2019 club championships, and thank all the parents that helped out with all the poolside jobs which contributed to making the event the success it was! I would also like to extend my gratitude to all the committee members who did so much of the behind the scenes organisation. And a big shout out to Tracey Gove who organised all of the entries, the running of the whole event and even managing to get the results out in record time after each day of competition- definitely a new PB there! And of course all the support from our coaches and young volunteers, who not only competed themselves but gave huge encouragement to our younger swimmers-some of whom were competing for the first time!
Unfortunately, due to the given circumstances, it is looking extremely unlikely that we will be able to have a presentation evening to celebrate the incredible achievements of all the swimmers that took part in the 2019 club championships. The presentation night is and has always been a great night in which we can all come together to celebrate the successes of the past year of all our swimmers, coaches and the committee.
As a club we have decided we would like to unite all the trophies to their rightful winners-and that they should no longer live in Jo's dining room (THANK YOU JO)!
Please see the final results for the girls and boys.
The awards are now with our chairman Adam Stewart for collection or convenient drop off. In order for the trophies to be given to the winners and to minimise social contact, we would appreciate you all coming together and helping one another to distribute these awards! If people can correspond directly with Adam Stewart at the following email address that would be much appreciated.
To help us celebrate these awards and have a record for t he future that we can look back on, we thought it would be a really nice idea and hope that all of our award winners will participate in this. What we would like you to do is...
Take a picture of you with any awards in which you have won, whether this is just a picture of you and your award or a family member presenting the awards to you, we think this would be a lovely memento to which we can share on our social media and website. Dinner jackets or ball gowns are optional! Please email these to
We really would like as many of you as possible to take part as we feel it would be really special to have a visual record of the swimmers and their awards. We look forward to receiving these pictures.
After much deliberation from the coaches, we have decided are squad awards will be going to…
Bronze Squad award goes to ZAC PRIOR (who is now in Silver Potential)! All the coaches felt that Zac has wor ked really hard over the past year, with additional session taken on, which has paid dividends both in his technique and performance. Zac is conscientious, hardworking and a pleasure to coach, so huge congratulations Zac! Well Done!
Silver Squad award goes to EVIE BULL (who is now in Silver Potential)! This is one determined, smiley young lady, who is a force to be reckoned with and keeps all the coaches on their toes! When some of her peers moved up to Silver Potential, she stepped up her game and worked so incredibly hard. So despite asking me week on week what is needed to move up into Silver P.otential squad, sometime later, the day arrived… when I had absolutely NO reason not to advance her into her next phase of training. This was completely down to her hard work and tenacity! Well done Miss Bull, massively deserved and looking forward to the future!
The Gold Squad award... this is the HARDEST award to have to pick. Only one swimmer from so many hard working, talented swimmers. One person really stood out for both Jo and I for having the most incredible work ethic, and positive mind-set. This young lady has the ability to train in any lane with any swimmer and just gets on with it, showing great maturity. When she stepped up into the role of a young volunteer coach, again we were so impressed by her maturity and professionalism, gaining the upmost respect from every swimmer she coaches and being a great role model. A huge congratulation to JESS STEWART on winning this award!
The Resilience Award…This years' winner has incredible determination and has really pushed himself outside his comfort zone, demonstrating to us that there really are no limits to what you can achieve. At the age of 10, he has attended two development days for Para swimming, where he rose to the challenge and despite being nervous, he gave it 110% with a huge grin on his face. He is very much part of the club. Awesome work Mr ROWEN LEWIS!
Again, I would like to congratulate all swimmers and I hope we will be able to resume some normality in the near future.
Best wishes,
Mat Cusack, Head Coach
PS, Please follow us on Facebook (Kingsbridge Kingfishers Swimming Club) or on Instagram (kingsbridgekingfishers) so that you can see all of our lovely award winners photographs and keep up to date with the club.