Kingsbridge Kingfishers

Swimming Club


We are urgently seeking a level 2 coach 

Also, If you have an interest in swimming and would be prepared to help for even 1 session a week, please get in touch as we urgently need you. Full training leading to qualifications is available.




We must maintain a team of officials to allow us to run galas and, more crucially, take part in galas (we usually need to contribute officials to most meets we take part in). Here is a list of the options and qualifications from British Swimming:


This is an introduction into the world of the swimming official. It covers the practical aspects of what is required of a timekeeper by means of a short theory session followed by a practical assessment.

The minimum recommended age for candidates to undertake this training is 14 years, and all need to be registered members of a British Swimming affiliated club or member of the Institute of Swimming (IoS).

Judge Level 1

This is the first level of British qualification. It encompasses the role and duties of a Timekeeper, Chief Timekeeper and Inspector of Turns.

The minimum age to start training is 15 years. Candidates will be required to undertake some formal theory instruction and gain practical experience working on the poolside with a mentor. A course workbook is provided for completion after which there will be a practical assessment.

During the practical assessment, candidates will be required to answer questions orally. Upon qualification candidates will be attributed with the qualification Judge Level 1 on the British Swimming Database and will be encouraged to become a Licensed Official.

Ad-hoc Volunteering

From time to time we need volunteers to help at various events. This page displays our current appeals for help: