2016 British Schools Biathlon Finals
Thursday 24 March, 2016, by Robert Green
Swimming opens the door to many other sports, and nine of our swimmers proved that by qualifying for the British Schools Biathlon Finals held at Crystal Palace National Sports Stadium on 19/20 March.
A 50m or 100m swim, and an 800m or 1600m run (depending on age group), is scored according to target times, in the same way as a modern pentathlon.
- Jake Goode-Gray scored 1916 points and came 52nd (Under 14 boys)
- Sammy Stewart scored 2062 points and came 40th (Under 13 Boys)
- Joe Robinson scored 2042 points and came 80th (Under 12 Boys)
- Sam Brandon scored 1943 points and came 78th (Under 11 Boys)
- Charlotte Blake scored 2008 points and came 11th (Under 17 Girls)
- Amy Edmonds scored 2039 points and came 9th (Under 17 Girls)
- Emily Lawrence scored 1933 points and came 16th (Under 17 Girls)
- Gracie Seldon scored 2084 points and came 91st (Under 12 Girls)
& Gail Brandon scored 2474 points and came 5th in the Teachers Race. Gail is one of our new Masters Swimmers who has joined Kingfishers on a Saturday morning to help her train for Biathlons and Triathlons.
Congratulations to all of the competitors above - you are all in the top 100 biathletes in Great Britain in your age category.