Thursday 29 June, 2023, by Karen Dorey
Hi All
It’s time for another newsletter to keep you up to date with what is happening in Kingsbridge Kingfishers Swimming Club in 2023.
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM will be held at Quayside Leisure Centre at 7pm on Wednesday 26th April. Please can you make sure that you attend this very important event in our calendar. You will get a chance to find out more about your club, to listen to reports on how we are doing as a club and our plans for the future and to vote for your new committee. You will be able to put questions to your committee and coaches. You will also be plied with wine and snacks, so it’s definitely a not-to-be-missed event!
Next Trials to get into the Club
The next trails to get into the club will be at 6pm on Thursday 27th April. Please pass the word around and ask anyone interested to contact either me or Adam Stewart (copied on this email).
Conor Morgan – now qualified as a Level 1 Swimming Coach
Congratulations to Conor Morgan who has now qualified as a Level 1 Swimming Coach. He backed it up with taking the team to one day of the Two Counties Meet at the Plymouth Life Centre last weekend where he helped to coach our swimmers to personal best times and medals galore. He had a great time!
Extra Sessions
The surest way to improve you swimming is to train more. We still have spaces available on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Please speak to either myself or Adam if you would like to come along. We are also hoping to start a new session on Monday mornings from 7am to 8am – open to Silver and Gold Squad swimmers only at the moment because we will only be able to hire a couple of lanes. If you are interested in attending this new session please let me know as soon as possible.
Easter Holidays Training
Training will continue as normal throughout the Easter holidays EXCEPT there will be no training on Good Friday 7th April.
Recent Competitions
Eight of our swimmers qualified and swam in the Devon County Championships early this year. Competition was really tough, but KKSC swimmers stepped up to the mark setting personal best times, experiencing long course racing (50m pool) for the first time and even getting into finals. We also took a team to the Two Counties Open Meet at the Plymouth Life Centre last weekend. Again our swimmers did themselves and KKSC proud, setting personal bests, winning numerous medals and importantly having fun! Congratulations must go to Jack Sagar who set a Regional consideration time in the 100m breaststroke, so he will be back at the Plymouth Life Centre on May Bank Holiday weekend to compete in the South West Regional Championships for the first time.
Next Competition
We are aiming to take a big team to the Devon Development Galas on the weekends of 10th/11th June and 17th/18th June at the Plymouth Life Centre. This meet is open to all swimmers in all squads and an email will be sent out in mid May with further details. This is one of the best outside competitions of the year and ideal to cut your teeth on racing outside the club but within a great team atmosphere. We are also hoping to take teams to the Exeter Sprint Meet in September and the City of Plymouth Championships in October. Further details will be sent out closer to the events.
Club Time Trials
As last year the club time trials will be held on a Thursday evening in late June/early July. This is compulsory for all club swimmers – we need to monitor how quickly you are all improving! The events will be 50m on all strokes for all swimmers. It’s really good experience for everyone and great fun! We will again need timekeepers, judges and poolside helpers on the day please.
Club Swim Kit Shop Open
The KKSC online shop will be open from Monday 27th March and will close at midnight on Sunday 9th April. The link to the club shop is Please place your orders so that you have the club kit for the Devon Development Galas in June! We also have our new 25th anniversary swimming hats for sale at £8.50 each at the swimming club desk.
KKSC Website
Our club website is at which we are updating regularly. You can also find the link to our Facebook page – please follow us there for news and events.
25th Anniversary Celebrations
After the great success of the Presentation evening in late February, the committee is now planning a 25th anniversary party in either July or September – updates will be sent out as soon as we know more.
And always remember – SWIM HAPPY, SWIM FAST!
Karen Dorey
Head Coach
Kingsbridge Kingfishers Swimming Club